Industry 4.0 - Digital Transformation

The Right Approach for the Right Solution. How we are different.

Quality 4.0 (Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation) 

When an organization runs in a 'process-based' manner, rather than as fragmented (siloed) functions, the outcome is a more cost-effective, streamlined, and efficient organization. This is the goal of Quality 4.0.

Quality 4.0 is a BPM approach, which means you do not look at individual processes, but how these processes interact with one another.

Many vendors pitch their form development tool for data capture, but in the end all that you have done is replace a piece of paper with screen inputs. No gain in process improvement or reduction in manpower. No path to Quality 4.0.


  • You have a plan to streamline 40 forms and workflows;
  • You select a vendor promising quick process improvements;
  • The first project, from requirements gathering to go live, takes six months, with the end results not meeting your needs;
  • You quickly realize it is now a 2-year project, well out of scope and over budget;
  • The project is now in jeopardy and your credibility impacted.


  • To reach Quality 4.0 goals, you must move away from a form-based structure to a process-based one;
  • Business Process Management (BPM) is designed for this task and decreases your dependence on IT resources or the software vendor to execute;
  • BPM is not a 'once off' solution, but continually refines the organization.

Azimuth Compliance Consulting can provide your organization the guidance and training you need to reach your digital transformation goals.

First, you should decide which path to follow. iBPM technology is where your journey begins.

Your Options: